Wiki History Listing

V1 A [b]choke hold[/b], or stranglehold, is any type of unarmed strangulation technique used to submit an opponent or incapacitate a foe by restricting their airway (choking) or blood flow (strangulation). Choke holds are common in [[martial arts|]] such as [[judo]], Brazilian jiu-jitsu and sambo.

In judo these are known as shime-waza, and were originally codified by Kano Jigoro and the Kodokan judo school.

For Danbooru purposes, choke holds are to be tagged [[strangling]], not [[choking on object]].

h4. Common types of choke holds
* [[triangle choke]]
* [[rear naked choke]]
* [[arm triangle choke]]
* [[gogoplata]]

h4. See also

* [[asphyxiation]]
* [[battle]]
* [[fighting]]
* [[full nelson]]: another way to restrain someone’s head using arms
* [[scissorhold]]: restraining someone’s head using legs
* [[strangling]]
* [[struggling]]
* [[wrestling]]

h4. External links
* "Choke hold on Wikipedia":[]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55