Wiki History Listing

V1 Apparent antagonist character from the [[Umamusume]] game. Current Acting Chairwoman of Tracen Academy, filling in for [[Akikawa Yayoi (umamusume)|]] during the Aoharu League.

Appears as an adult woman with [[long hair|long]] [[black hair|bluish-black]] hair and [[brown eyes|greyish-brown]] eyes. She also wears arrow-shaped [[earrings]] and a black [[pinstripe suit]].

Acting Chairwoman Kashimoto is a former [[Trainer (umamusume)|]] and current high-ranking official of the Umamusume Racing Association (URA). During the events of the Aoharu League she is assigned to act as chairwoman in place of [[Akikawa Yayoi (umamusume)|]] who has been called away on a business trip overseas.

While her most salient trait is that she is very good at projecting her aura of authority, her second most salient trait is the fact that, even for a human being, she has terrible physical stamina and is hopeless at sports, which clashes with the fact that she works in a [i]sporting[/i] environment.

She Trains [[Little Cocon (Umamusume)|]] and [[Bitter Glasse (Umamusume)|]]

Voiced by [[Paku romi|Romi Park]].

h5. Additional notes

* Fans have noticed resemblances between Kashimoto and the real-life horse Sunday Silence. Furthermore, Kashimoto's nickname also contains the word "oak", while Sunday Silence was bred by [b]Oak[/b] Cliff Thoroughbreds. Unlike Akikawa and Tazuna, Kashimoto does not wear a hat and has noticeably human ears.
* The real-life Sunday Silence was also considered the successor of Northern Taste (Akikawa Yayoi's counterpart) as a stud at Shadai Stallion Station.
* An alternative interpretation is that her character design is based on Real Shadai, another horse with a similar color scheme (and also resembles Sunday Silence). Real Shadai is the more immediate successor to Northern Taste, before Sunday Silence.
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55